3 July 2024


Bishop Dr. Bonegas, the founder and overseer of Great Fire Pentecostal International, has sparked considerable controversy and fascination following an incident where he induced a man to exhibit madness during a live TV interview.

The incident unfolded during an exclusive conversation with Rashad from GhPage, leaving viewers and the public stunned.

During the interview, Rashad questioned Bishop Bonegas’s assertion that his spiritual abilities could alter someone’s mental state.

In response, Bishop Bonegas confidently stated that he possessed spiritual powers capable of causing a sane person to temporarily lose their sanity.

To prove his claim, Bishop Bonegas directed his spiritual power towards a young man who was calmly participating in the interview. Within moments, the young man began displaying signs of madness, astonishing the audience present.

Before the demonstration, Bishop Bonegas clarified that the induced madness would be brief and that the young man would soon return to normal.

True to his word, the young man eventually regained his senses, affirming Bishop Bonegas’s assertion of his spiritual capabilities.

Bishop Bonegas attributed his powers to divine intervention and emphasized that they originated directly from God.

He recounted other instances where he had performed similar miraculous acts, including one in Darkuman several years ago, where a man he affected remained mentally unstable and wandering naked.

The bishop also shared extraordinary details from his own life, citing incidents such as a single utterance from him that once paralyzed his mother, underscoring the exceptional nature of his spiritual journey.

The widely circulated miracle has sparked intense discussion, with reactions spanning from amazement to skepticism.

On social media, many users have debated whether the event was a genuine manifestation of divine power or a staged performance.

Bishop Bonegas, known for his bold claims and miraculous demonstrations, has long been a controversial figure in Ghana’s religious community.

This latest incident has added to his mystique, drawing followers who believe fervently in his divine abilities and critics who question the authenticity of his miracles.

As the public continues to grapple with the astonishing event captured in the viral video, the debate surrounding Bishop Bonegas’s powers remains ongoing.

Regardless of whether viewed as a manifestation of divine intervention or a carefully orchestrated spectacle, the incident has undeniably captured the attention and stirred the imagination of many.

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