πŸ’™ Blue Heart Emoji Meaning

πŸ’™ means Peace and Harmony

What does πŸ’™ mean?

The πŸ’™ emoji means “peace and harmony.” If someone uses it in a message, they’re just expressing a sense of peace. For example, if someone texts, “I like you πŸ’™” the emoji simply conveys how calm or peaceful they feel in connection with you.

Examples and other meanings of πŸ’™

  • Stay cool bro πŸ’™
    • Emotion: Peaceful
    • Intention: In this example, the use πŸ’™ to calm someone down.
  • Forgive me pls πŸ’™πŸ’™
    • Emotion: Peaceful
    • Intention: In this context, the person is used πŸ’™ to emphasize the apology.

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