TMB meaning in text| Slang examples

Tmb Meaning In Text| Slang Examples

“TMB” stands for “Text Me Back.” What does tmb mean in texting? The abbreviation “TMB” means “Text me back.” It’s a quick message sent to request a response from some. It is considered safe for children and work but due to its informality, you may want to consider it before using. ABBREVIATION TMB Meaning Text … Read more

Based Meaning Slang| Text examples

Based Meaning Slang| Text Examples

“Based” means “unapologetically themselves.” What does based mean? The slang term “based” refers to a person who is unapologetically true to themselves, regardless of societal norms or expectations. Such people are said to be aggressive, confident and fearless about expressing their beliefs and ideas. The slang term originated from rapper Lil B, and it has … Read more

What does jp mean on snapchat?

What Does Jp Mean On Snapchat?

“JP” stands for “Just Playing.” What does JP mean? On Snapchat, the abbreviation “JP” means “Just Playing.” It’s just another way of saying “Just kidding” which implies you’re not serious with what you’re are saying. The abbreviation is considered safe children and work but due to it’s informality, may want to consider whether to use … Read more

What does tt mean snapchat?

What Does Tt Mean Snapchat

“TT” means “talking to”. What does TT mean? The slang term “TT” means “talking to.” It’s used on Snapchat and other online platforms when referring to someone you are talking to ABBREVIATION TT Meaning talking to Emotion Reference Text Message meaning talking to Snapchat meaning talking to Instagram meaning talking to Safe for work Yes … Read more

FR Meaning| Text and slang examples

Fr Meaning| Text And Slang Examples

“FR” means “For real.” What does FR mean? “FR” means “for real.” It is like saying “like seriously” when you want to know if something happened. For example, you text someone, “Sorry, I can’t make it to the party,” and they respond, “FR,” it means “for real,” and they want to know if what you … Read more

Based Meaning| Text and slang examples

Based Meaning| Text And Slang Examples

“Based” means “unapologetically themselves.” What does based mean? The slang term “based” refers to someone who is unapologetically true to themselves, regardless of societal norms or expectations. Such people are considered confident and fearless about expressing their beliefs and ideas. The slang term originated from rapper Lil B, and it has evolved to have this … Read more

HU Meaning| Text and slang examples

Hu Meaning| Text And Slang Examples

“HU” stands for “hook up.” What does HU mean in text? The slang term “HU” means “hook up.” It refers to a casual sexual activity that is mostly done on a one-night stand agreement. This means both sides do not know each other, and once the sexual activity is over, that’s the end of the … Read more

Dog in Him Meaning| Text and slang examples

Dog In Him Meaning| Text And Slang Examples

“Dog in him” means he possesses a strong personality. What does dog in him mean? The slang term “dog in him” is used to describe someone who has a strong, aggressive, and determined attitude, like that of a dog in its territory. The abbreviation is considered safe for children and work as well. However, the … Read more

TT Meaning| Text and slang examples

Tt Meaning| Text And Slang Examples

“TT” means “talking to”. What does TT mean? The slang term “TT” means “talking to.” It’s used on online chatting platforms when referring to someone you are having a conversation with. ABBREVIATION TT Meaning talking to Emotion Reference Text Message meaning talking to Snapchat meaning talking to Instagram meaning talking to Safe for work Yes … Read more

MIL Meaning| Text and Slang Examples

Mil Meaning| Text And Slang Examples

“MIL” stands for “Mother-In-Law.” What does MIL mean? The abbreviation term “MIL” means “Mother-In-Law.” A text with “MIL” means the person is referring to the mother of their wife or husband. This abbreviation is considered safe for children and work as well. ABBREVIATION MIL Meaning Mother-In-Law Emotion Reference Texting meaning Mother-In-Law Snapchat meaning Mother-In-Law Instagram … Read more