πŸ«₯ meaning| Text examples

πŸ«₯ means being Perplexed or Puzzled

What does πŸ«₯ mean?

This emoji πŸ«₯ means that someone is puzzled or perplexed. For example, a friend might text you, “Hey, I’m πŸ«₯πŸ«₯ about the calculation we did.”

Examples and other meanings

  • “Hey, I’m πŸ«₯πŸ«₯ about the calculation we did.”
    • Emotion: Confused
    • Intention: In this example, the use πŸ«₯ expresses how confused someone was about a calculation
  • πŸ«₯πŸ«₯
    • Emotion: Confused
    • Intention: Probably someone doesn’t understand what another person is saying.

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