BTC Meaning In Text| Slang Examples

The abbreviation “BTC” stands for “Bitcoin.

What does BTC mean?

If you hear someone say BTC, they mean Bitcoin, the cryptocurrency. For example, someone might text you, “Hey I just bought some BTC” and what it means is they just purchased cryptocurrency.

Text messagingBitcoin
TikTok meaningBitcoin
Safe for ChildrenYes
Safe for WorkYes

Examples and other BTC meaning in text

  • “Can you send me 0.006 BTC?”
    • Emotion: Traansanctional
    • Context/Intention: In this example, the person used BTC in transactional terms.
  • “I’ve forgotten my BTC wallet password.
    • Emotion: Frustration
    • Context/Intentional: In this context, someone has lost the password to their BTC account.

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