MHM meaning| Text and slang examples

“MHM” means “Yes”

What does MHM mean?

Abbreviation “MHM” means “Yes”. It sounds “mmm… ” and it’s used when you’re busy and want to quickly say “yes” to something. MHM is a form of approval which can be used both in texting and verbally.

It is safe for kids and work as well.

Examples and other MHM meaning

  • “MHM” that’s great idea.
    • Emotion: Approval
    • Content/ intention: In this example, the person quickly approved an idea by using “MHM”
  • Errm, tomorrow? “MHM”
    • Emotion: Approval
    • Content/ intention: Here can see that the person person was contemplating on an idea that was suggested and approved it quickly by saying or using “MHM” which implies “Yes”.

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