GN Meaning| Text examples

“GN” means “Goodnight”.

What does GN mean?

“GN” stands for “Goodnight.” When you’ve been texting with someone for a while and want to end the conversation, you can use “GN,” meaning “goodnight.” On Snapchat, a “GN streak” is a way of saying goodnight to friends.

Examples in text

  • “GN”, I love you
    • Emotion: Affection
    • Context/ intention: In this example you are showing love to the other person.
  • “GN”, see you tomorrow.
    • Emotion: Hopeful
    • Context/ intention: Here, you are hopeful of seeing the person tomorrow.
  • GN. It shall be well
    • Emotion: Reassurance
    • Context/ intention: Here, you probably discussed about something the other person is going through and reassuring them that everything will be well.

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