YOLO meaning| Text and Slang examples

“YOLO” means “You Only Live Once”

What does YOLO mean?

Abbreviation “YOLO” mean “You Only Live Once”. It’s a slang term used to caution someone about the fact that they’ve got only one chance to do something.

“YOLO” is considered safe for children. For work it also considered appropriate but due to the informality of the slang term you may want to consider before using it.

Examples and other YOLO meaning

  • The girl loves you bad – “YOLO!”
    • Emotion: Playful
    • Content/ intention: In this example, the person used YOLO in a playful and exciting manner.
  • YOLO – Be careful those dogs.
    • Emotion: Caution
    • Content/ intention: Here, the person used YOLO to caution someone about the danger of mingling with some dogs

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